How To Spot the Signs of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Teens


Anxiety disorders are common in the United States, affecting more than 40 million adults every year. That’s nearly 20 percent of the population! And just about half of those diagnosed with an anxiety disorder are also struggling with depression.1

And while we’ve begun to talk more openly about anxiety and depression in adults, comparatively few people realize just how prevalent these disorders are in children, as well. 

In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 4.4 million children between the ages of 3 and 17 experience an anxiety disorder every year. Around 1.9 million have diagnosed depression.2

Understanding the Risk Factors

These numbers can seem particularly shocking. After all, if we usually think of anxiety and depression being caused by circumstance – work stress, caregiving obligations, world events – it can be difficult to understand how young people could be so affected.

But in reality, anxiety and depression have many different causes – everything from hormones and brain chemistry to trauma or environmental factors.

Risk factors for anxiety and depression in children and teens can include:

  • Experiencing or witnessing emotional, physical, or sexual abuse;

  •  Stressors at home within the family structure;

  • Learning disabilities that interfere with academic achievement;

  • Experiencing bullying, either online or off;

  • Chronic pain or illness; and

  • Struggling with or lacking support around issues of sexuality or gender identity.

And as the general pace and volatility of our world both increase, young people aren’t immune to feeling the effects. Active shooter drills and lockdowns at school, debates about how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic in schools, a heated political climate, angry online discourse – the stresses of these things and more find their way to children and teens via the internet, television, and the smartphones in their pockets. 

Navigating these pressures alongside the normal growing pains of childhood can be really overwhelming!

Signs & Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Teens

Anxiety and depression can look different for everyone they impact. But there are common signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for when it comes to identifying these disorders in your child or teen.

Known Trauma

If your child has experienced something difficult – an accident, an assault, a period of bullying, or anything else that’s greatly impacted them – and you suspect that they’re struggling with it, you’re probably right! Your instinct that your child needs help is one of the strongest indicators that they’re at risk of anxiety or depression.

Behavior Changes

If you notice significant changes in your child’s behavior, take note. This can include new or more noticeable anger, irritability, or sadness. Your child might start avoiding social interactions or start fighting frequently with friends and family. They might show increased frustration or impatience when it comes to disappointments or disagreements with others.

Changes at School

If your child usually looks forward to school but has begun to lose interest or even wants to avoid going entirely, this could be a sign of a shift in mental health – especially if it’s paired with a dip in grades, a desire to quit extracurricular activities, or an increase in disciplinary action.

New Fears or Worries

If you notice new fears or worries about everyday life and day-to-day activities, that’s something to pay attention to. Also make note of feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or lowered confidence, as well as an increase in sensitivity around failure or rejection – real or perceived.

Sleep Issues

Anxiety and depression can cause sleep disturbances like insomnia, oversleeping, or nightmares. While children and teens naturally need more sleep than adults, any major changes in sleep routine or schedule could be a sign of a change in mental health.

Physical Complaints

Frequent headaches, stomach aches, other pains, or general physical discomfort can also present alongside anxiety and depression in young people. Always seek medical guidance to rule out any injury or illness. But if your child suddenly has a lot of stomach aches every day, there might be something going on that’s upsetting them.

Thoughts of Death, Dying, or Suicide

Some questions around these issues can be perfectly normal for young people, especially if they see or hear something – on the news, for example – that scares them. But if these thoughts or questions seem particularly strong or frequent, seek help for them as soon as possible.

Self-harming behavior is also a sign that your child needs professional guidance. This includes everything from cutting or scratching themselves to picking at their skin, biting or hitting themselves, and pulling at their own hair.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Anxiety and depression often have overlapping symptoms. And they can happen at the same time! Here are some ways to support your child when they’re struggling with their mental health.

Consult a Qualified Mental Health Professional

If your child is experiencing anxiety or depression, the best thing you can do is seek the help of a qualified mental health professional. Using age-appropriate techniques, a counselor will help your child work through their difficult experiences and develop strategies for coping with their thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

Mindfulness & Relaxation

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques aren’t just for adults. Young people can benefit from taking some quiet time in their day, too! There are many resources available for young people interested in learning more about yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, and other mindfulness techniques.

Encourage and Model Physical Activity

Remember that depression often brings a loss of interest in once-enjoyed activities – so even if your child has really enjoyed sports or other physical activities in the past, it might be more difficult to get them excited about participating now. But physical activity is one of the best ways to boost our serotonin levels, and it’s an important part of managing stress, anxiety, and depression at any age. 

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Beyond being enjoyable and a way in which we socialize and bond, food is fuel for our bodies and minds. Maintaining a healthy diet is critical for supporting our bodies’ systems – including mental health! – for the long haul. Help your child learn to make healthy food choices whenever they can.3

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

Most importantly, talk to your child about the things they’re feeling and experiencing. Maintaining open lines of communication and learning to listen while withholding judgement can create a bond between you and a sense of safety for your child.

Why It’s Important to Pay Attention

It’s important to pay attention when your child displays any signs of mental health distress. Not only can untreated anxiety and depression lead to more severe issues like substance abuse or even suicide, they can also have serious repercussions for physical and mental health later in life.4

Setting your child up for success can happen in many ways. Getting them help when they’re struggling with mental health challenges is one of the best things you can do to support them in the long term!







Understanding the Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress